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scuba business

Buying a Scuba Dive Business in the Tropics: DUE DILIGENCE?

So what exactly is this “due diligence” we’ve all been twittering on about when we talk about buying a scuba diving business? Seems very uptight and accountant-speak to most of us and about as interesting as my Auntie Mildred’s boil on her…, yes well you get the idea… Simply put, performing due diligence means taking an extremely good […]

Buying a Scuba Dive Business in the Tropics: DUE DILIGENCE? Read More »


Buying a Scuba Dive Business in the Tropics: LEGALLY IT’S YOURS!

Okay, so you’ve now done your Due Diligence, and after your inspection of the dive centre and the gear, and your Accountant’s close inspection of the books is all deemed satisfactory. You now decide that it is all hunky dory and the Buyer was overall relatively honest in their claims,  it is now time to move

Buying a Scuba Dive Business in the Tropics: LEGALLY IT’S YOURS! Read More »

scuba tanks fiji

Buying a Scuba Dive Business in the Tropics: THE OFFER

Now this is the big step everyone is dancing around. The big decision! In my experience, the decision to buy a scuba diving business happens, not over a conference table or in an office, or even in the dive centre itself. It’s an emotional decision done over a cup of coffee in the morning at home, or maybe on the

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Buying a Scuba Dive Business in the Tropics: THE INITIAL PROCESS

Buying a Scuba Dive Business in the Tropics is something that seems like a bit of a Black Art to most dive instructors and dive centre owners. Many of them have spent the past 10 plus years in the tropics, living the good life. After a while working as a Divemaster, they progress onto instructor and spend a few years

Buying a Scuba Dive Business in the Tropics: THE INITIAL PROCESS Read More »


Why and how to hire past owners when buying a scuba dive business in tropics

So you’ve just bought your dream scuba diving business on a tropical island. You’ve done all your due diligence, and you (and maybe your partner) have decided that “THIS is the place we want to live“, and “this dive business is the answer to how we can enjoy this lifestyle“.

Why and how to hire past owners when buying a scuba dive business in tropics Read More »

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